Friday, April 28, 2017

Monday 1 May: News Report

Welcome back from your holiday! 

This term we will be finishing our work on the Hero's Journey. Here's an activity to refresh your memory of Hunt for the Wilderpeople:

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Monday 3 April: Redraw the Hero's Journey

Learning Intention:

 - Use the hero’s journey to analyse texts.

Success Criteria:

 - My drawing shows 9-12 stages of the hero's journey.
 - My drawing is eye-catching and ready to share.

Today's lesson:

1. View the models below of the hero's journey.
2. Choose your method: sketch/draw on paper, or create a Google drawing, to represent the hero's journey. Include:
           - Text labels for each of the stages
           - Arrows to show the direction of the journey
3. Colour your drawing to make it suitable for the wall, or to post on your blog.

Extra for Experts: add a screenshot or image from Hunt for the Wilderpeople to each stage in the journey.

    Infographic: Hero's Journey | Venngage Infographic: Hero's Journey | Infographic Maker