Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Meeting Gary Paulsen

Wednesday 2 August's Learning

Today we are going to continue to read the novel Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. We will be aiming to finish reading up to Chapter 5 and completing the chapter summaries. Then we will begin to investigate the world of Gary Paulsen to help us understand some of the influences on his writing and to place the novel Hatchet in its Canadian context as this is where this adventure/survival story is set.

You will also be working on a personal response that will take in Chapter 1 through to  Chapter 5. You will be continuing this work with Mr Hansen.

LI: We are learning to explore the world of Gary Paulsen and find out about the influences on the novel Hatchet.

SC: I can actively participate in the class reading of the novel.
SC: I can identify the main points of each chapter and record them in my summary sheet.
SC: I can use the internet to research specific questions about Gary Paulsen.
SC: I can use the SEX-Y structure in my written answers.

Lesson Sequence

Reading the novel up to chapter 5 then completing the summary work.

Research Activity

Meeting Gary Paulsen.

This work is in Hapara coded blue.
Vocabulary and Research Work

The second task is a personal response task from Chapter 1 through to Chapter 5
This work is also in Hapara and is coded blue
Personal Response Work

Monday, July 24, 2017

How to Survive.

Tuesday 25 July's learning

Welcome back everyone. I hope you have had a restful break. You will notice that our timetables have changed and today is our first lesson for Term 3.

In today's lesson we will go over the expectations for for working together productively and how we can continue to focus on our learning.

We are then going to begin the introductory activities for our up and coming novel study.

LI: We are learning about ways to survive in the wilderness.

SC: I can contribute my ideas and positive, relevant suggestions to the group task.
SC: I can carefully read and take notice of the helpful suggestions in the group task.

Lesson Sequence

Expectations for learning

Free Writing

  1. The days are beginning to stretch out and I...
  2. The best part of the holidays was when I....
  3. Own choice.
The challenge is to write at least 6 sentences, then spend 2 minutes proof reading and editing your work.

We are then going to watch a U-tube clip about survival.

Then we will move into groups of 4 to undertake a challenge!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Thursday 22 June: Reading Exam Preparation

We are learning to:

- Use strategies to read for meaning.

Success Criteria:

 - Read on the lines for facts and information.
 - Read between the lines for inference.
 - Read beyond the lines for connections.

Inference Activity:

Activity Choice:

1. Complete reading quizzes on www.readtheory.org. Use your username and password HANSOND1.

2. Complete biography booklets. Choose from Michael Schumacher, Sarah Walker, etc.

3. Research a sports hero of yours and write a profile about them, including:
   - their early life
   - sports successes
   - big challenges they have overcome
   - what is next for them

4. Make a Kahoot to test knowledge of a hero. Could be sports, music, film or book hero.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

At The End of The Driveway Making an Inference

Friday 16 June's learning

Today we are going to be continuing to develop our reading skills, and will be focusing on using the clues in the text to write a relevant response. You will use the clues in a text, and learn to  understand the difference between a literal meaning of something, and being able to use the skills of inference to answer a question that is beyond the lines.

LI: We are learning to use the skills of inference when we respond to a text.

SC: I can identify the clues given in the text.
SC: I can draw on my own knowledge and experiences to make sense of the clues.
SC: I can contribute to discussions and record my notes.
SC: I can use my notes to write a brief paragraph response.

Lesson Sequence.

Visual clues exercise,

I can see...

This image shows me..

Responding to the visual image

Poem 'At the End of the Driveway' by Tim Upperton

Wednesday, June 14, 2017