Monday, July 24, 2017

How to Survive.

Tuesday 25 July's learning

Welcome back everyone. I hope you have had a restful break. You will notice that our timetables have changed and today is our first lesson for Term 3.

In today's lesson we will go over the expectations for for working together productively and how we can continue to focus on our learning.

We are then going to begin the introductory activities for our up and coming novel study.

LI: We are learning about ways to survive in the wilderness.

SC: I can contribute my ideas and positive, relevant suggestions to the group task.
SC: I can carefully read and take notice of the helpful suggestions in the group task.

Lesson Sequence

Expectations for learning

Free Writing

  1. The days are beginning to stretch out and I...
  2. The best part of the holidays was when I....
  3. Own choice.
The challenge is to write at least 6 sentences, then spend 2 minutes proof reading and editing your work.

We are then going to watch a U-tube clip about survival.

Then we will move into groups of 4 to undertake a challenge!!

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