Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Thursday 30 March: The Hero's Journey in Film

Learning Intention:

 - Use the hero’s journey to analyse texts.

Success Criteria:

 - I can respond to Hunt for the Wilderpeople with facts from the film and my own ideas. 

 - I can identify 3+ stages of the hero's journey in Hunt for the Wilderpeople.

Today's Lesson:

Have you tidied your Google Drive?

What are badges and how can I earn them?

1. Finish your Hunt for the Wilderpeople viewing questions

2. Describe the hero's journey in Hunt for the Wilderpeople

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Monday 27 March: Hunt for the Wilderpeople

Learning Intention:

 - Use the hero’s journey to analyse texts.

Success Criteria:

 - I can respond to Hunt for the Wilderpeople with facts from the film and my own ideas. 

 - I can identify 3+ stages of the hero's journey in Hunt for the Wilderpeople.

Good morning team! Today we are unpacking Hunt for the Wilderpeople by completing some response questions. We're building up to a review of the film you'll make with a partner.

But first, some chores. Tidy your Google Drive!

  1. Create a folder titled "Mr Hanson's English" in your 9ENG Google Drive folder.
  2. Inside "Mr Hanson's English" create a folder titled "The Hero's Journey".
  3. Put today's work in there, along with other docs on the hero's journey.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

'Sea Fever'

Friday 24 March


Today we are continuing our work showing a connection to the sea. We will be looking at a famous poem by John Masefield called 'Sea Fever' John was a sailor who loved the sea, and missed it when he was a landlubber.

Today we are going to work in pair to begin to learn how to annotate a poem. This is a technique that you will continue to develop your skills in, and understanding of, as you progress through High School. We are just starting to learn this skill.

You will work in  pairs, and we, as a class will discuss what annotating is, and how to do it. You will contribute your ideas about the poem and begin to look at what language features the writer uses to get his message across to the reader. You will then have a paper copy of the poem and select a partner to work with as we all begin to learn to annotate the poem.

LI: We are learning how to annotate a poem.
SC: I can work with my partner to discuss and share ideas about the poem.
SC: I can identify some language features used in the poem.
SC: I can begin to describe the effect of the language features.

Lesson Sequence
Directed Reading ' Sea Fever' by John Masefield
The Poem, 'Sea Fever'

Students notes on the task
Task and background notes


Period 2 we will be based in the library and this will give you an opportunity to continue to work on your 'My Place' assignments.
I will continue to work with students and discuss your own work with you.
Remember you are presenting your own 'My Place' assignments next Friday March 31  P1 and P2.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Finding the Hero's Journey in Film

Good morning team! Today you will be finding the hero's journey in a popular film. 

We are learning to:

  1. Describe the stages of the hero’s journey.
  2. Create a multimedia text.
I can:
  • Use 7 screenshots to retell the hero’s journey.
  • Include the correct caption for each stage.
  1. Watch this video to remind yourself of the stages in the hero's journey.
  2. Follow this link to your activity. This includes retelling the hero's journey, SEX-Y paragraph and creative writing.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Down by The Sea

Thursday March 9

last week we started our work around the theme of making a connection too your own place and our community. Today we are going to continue this work and look towards the sea and the coast. The Coast has an amazing connection to the sea and the beaches are very dramatic.

LI: We are learning to identify and describe a connection to a place.

SC: I can identify the reasons why the writer feels a connection to the beach.
SC; I can identify some of the language features ( adjectives, simile, personification and metaphor)
SC: I can begin to explain why they are effective.
SC: I can respond to questions about the text in a thoughtful manner.

Today our reading is going to be a story called, 'Dear Joe'  From A Journal of Secondary Students' Writing 1992. It is a letter to a cousin that describes a special time at the beach with their Nana.

Lesson Sequence

Class reading of, 'Dear Joe'
Discussion about the text

Figurative Language Features
The Rap

You will complete a worksheet about this story. Click on the link below and follow the instructions to complete the task.

Responding to the text, 'Dear Joe'