Saturday, March 25, 2017

Monday 27 March: Hunt for the Wilderpeople

Learning Intention:

 - Use the hero’s journey to analyse texts.

Success Criteria:

 - I can respond to Hunt for the Wilderpeople with facts from the film and my own ideas. 

 - I can identify 3+ stages of the hero's journey in Hunt for the Wilderpeople.

Good morning team! Today we are unpacking Hunt for the Wilderpeople by completing some response questions. We're building up to a review of the film you'll make with a partner.

But first, some chores. Tidy your Google Drive!

  1. Create a folder titled "Mr Hanson's English" in your 9ENG Google Drive folder.
  2. Inside "Mr Hanson's English" create a folder titled "The Hero's Journey".
  3. Put today's work in there, along with other docs on the hero's journey.

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