Thursday, March 9, 2017

Down by The Sea

Thursday March 9

last week we started our work around the theme of making a connection too your own place and our community. Today we are going to continue this work and look towards the sea and the coast. The Coast has an amazing connection to the sea and the beaches are very dramatic.

LI: We are learning to identify and describe a connection to a place.

SC: I can identify the reasons why the writer feels a connection to the beach.
SC; I can identify some of the language features ( adjectives, simile, personification and metaphor)
SC: I can begin to explain why they are effective.
SC: I can respond to questions about the text in a thoughtful manner.

Today our reading is going to be a story called, 'Dear Joe'  From A Journal of Secondary Students' Writing 1992. It is a letter to a cousin that describes a special time at the beach with their Nana.

Lesson Sequence

Class reading of, 'Dear Joe'
Discussion about the text

Figurative Language Features
The Rap

You will complete a worksheet about this story. Click on the link below and follow the instructions to complete the task.

Responding to the text, 'Dear Joe'

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