Thursday, May 11, 2017

Reading Skills: Working with an article.

Friday 12 May

Today  we are going to work to continue to develop our skills in responding to an article.
I have a paper copy of the article which we will read in class, and you will complete a response showing your understanding of the text.
 I have smart shared the response that I'd like you to work on. It is in your English folder.
The document is called,  Responding to an article.

LI: We are revising and developing our skills for reading unfamiliar text.

SC: I can use the silent reading time to read the article carefully.
SC: I can discuss my ideas, about the main ideas, vocabulary and phrases in the article with my partner.
SC: I can complete the response task, using complete sentences, specific detail as required

You will be able to discuss the article with a partner or in a group.

You have the first period to complete this work.

In P2 we will be heading to the library.

You will continue with your research task from last week.
I will check in with you to;

Look at task completion, for this week and last week. 
I will also  discuss your research task with you and help as needed.

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