Thursday, May 4, 2017

West Coast Documentary

Thursday 4 May

Friday 5 May

Welcome back everyone, I'd like to acknowledge your great work and support of each other during your presentations last term.
Well done!

Today we are going to read an article about the documentary Coast, that was featured on TV One.

We will respond to a range of questions that focus on  some aspects of that documentary.

LI: We are learning to respond to an article in variety of ways.

SC: I can write a  paragraph describing our wild weather in a creative way.
SC: I can use some language features ( adjectives, similes, alliteration  metaphors) to make my writing interesting, and to create imagery.
SC: I can use the internet to research some specific topics.
SC: I can proof-read and edit my work.

West Coast Episode  ( Link to written  article)

The task sheet I have smart shared with you, and this is in your English folder.
You will need to move this into Ms Donovan's English Folder.
You can work with a partner to complete the activities.

In P2 we will watch this documentary.

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