Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Thursday 22 June: Reading Exam Preparation

We are learning to:

- Use strategies to read for meaning.

Success Criteria:

 - Read on the lines for facts and information.
 - Read between the lines for inference.
 - Read beyond the lines for connections.

Inference Activity:

Activity Choice:

1. Complete reading quizzes on Use your username and password HANSOND1.

2. Complete biography booklets. Choose from Michael Schumacher, Sarah Walker, etc.

3. Research a sports hero of yours and write a profile about them, including:
   - their early life
   - sports successes
   - big challenges they have overcome
   - what is next for them

4. Make a Kahoot to test knowledge of a hero. Could be sports, music, film or book hero.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

At The End of The Driveway Making an Inference

Friday 16 June's learning

Today we are going to be continuing to develop our reading skills, and will be focusing on using the clues in the text to write a relevant response. You will use the clues in a text, and learn to  understand the difference between a literal meaning of something, and being able to use the skills of inference to answer a question that is beyond the lines.

LI: We are learning to use the skills of inference when we respond to a text.

SC: I can identify the clues given in the text.
SC: I can draw on my own knowledge and experiences to make sense of the clues.
SC: I can contribute to discussions and record my notes.
SC: I can use my notes to write a brief paragraph response.

Lesson Sequence.

Visual clues exercise,

I can see...

This image shows me..

Responding to the visual image

Poem 'At the End of the Driveway' by Tim Upperton

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Great Ordinary.

Friday 9 June's Learning.

Today we are going to continue our work on reading for meaning and showing understanding by responding to a text in different ways.
Today we are going to read an article  and discuss and record  the main ideas. We will then look at a poem and discuss what we notice about the text, identify language features and work to complete a written response about the poem.

LI: We are learning to identify and explain the main ideas in the article.

SC: I can contribute my ideas to class discussions.
SC: I can record my notes.
SC: I can identify some of the language features used in the text.
SC: I can use the clues in the text to help me explain a key phrase.

Sequence of Today's lesson

Free Writing -  The choices are on the board

Class Reading -  'The Great Ordinary' The photographs of Edith Amituanai

Responding to the Poem 'At the End of the Driveway' by Tim Upperton.

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