Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Meeting Gary Paulsen

Wednesday 2 August's Learning

Today we are going to continue to read the novel Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. We will be aiming to finish reading up to Chapter 5 and completing the chapter summaries. Then we will begin to investigate the world of Gary Paulsen to help us understand some of the influences on his writing and to place the novel Hatchet in its Canadian context as this is where this adventure/survival story is set.

You will also be working on a personal response that will take in Chapter 1 through to  Chapter 5. You will be continuing this work with Mr Hansen.

LI: We are learning to explore the world of Gary Paulsen and find out about the influences on the novel Hatchet.

SC: I can actively participate in the class reading of the novel.
SC: I can identify the main points of each chapter and record them in my summary sheet.
SC: I can use the internet to research specific questions about Gary Paulsen.
SC: I can use the SEX-Y structure in my written answers.

Lesson Sequence

Reading the novel up to chapter 5 then completing the summary work.

Research Activity

Meeting Gary Paulsen.

This work is in Hapara coded blue.
Vocabulary and Research Work

The second task is a personal response task from Chapter 1 through to Chapter 5
This work is also in Hapara and is coded blue
Personal Response Work

Monday, July 24, 2017

How to Survive.

Tuesday 25 July's learning

Welcome back everyone. I hope you have had a restful break. You will notice that our timetables have changed and today is our first lesson for Term 3.

In today's lesson we will go over the expectations for for working together productively and how we can continue to focus on our learning.

We are then going to begin the introductory activities for our up and coming novel study.

LI: We are learning about ways to survive in the wilderness.

SC: I can contribute my ideas and positive, relevant suggestions to the group task.
SC: I can carefully read and take notice of the helpful suggestions in the group task.

Lesson Sequence

Expectations for learning

Free Writing

  1. The days are beginning to stretch out and I...
  2. The best part of the holidays was when I....
  3. Own choice.
The challenge is to write at least 6 sentences, then spend 2 minutes proof reading and editing your work.

We are then going to watch a U-tube clip about survival.

Then we will move into groups of 4 to undertake a challenge!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Thursday 22 June: Reading Exam Preparation

We are learning to:

- Use strategies to read for meaning.

Success Criteria:

 - Read on the lines for facts and information.
 - Read between the lines for inference.
 - Read beyond the lines for connections.

Inference Activity:

Activity Choice:

1. Complete reading quizzes on www.readtheory.org. Use your username and password HANSOND1.

2. Complete biography booklets. Choose from Michael Schumacher, Sarah Walker, etc.

3. Research a sports hero of yours and write a profile about them, including:
   - their early life
   - sports successes
   - big challenges they have overcome
   - what is next for them

4. Make a Kahoot to test knowledge of a hero. Could be sports, music, film or book hero.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

At The End of The Driveway Making an Inference

Friday 16 June's learning

Today we are going to be continuing to develop our reading skills, and will be focusing on using the clues in the text to write a relevant response. You will use the clues in a text, and learn to  understand the difference between a literal meaning of something, and being able to use the skills of inference to answer a question that is beyond the lines.

LI: We are learning to use the skills of inference when we respond to a text.

SC: I can identify the clues given in the text.
SC: I can draw on my own knowledge and experiences to make sense of the clues.
SC: I can contribute to discussions and record my notes.
SC: I can use my notes to write a brief paragraph response.

Lesson Sequence.

Visual clues exercise,

I can see...

This image shows me..

Responding to the visual image

Poem 'At the End of the Driveway' by Tim Upperton

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Great Ordinary.

Friday 9 June's Learning.

Today we are going to continue our work on reading for meaning and showing understanding by responding to a text in different ways.
Today we are going to read an article  and discuss and record  the main ideas. We will then look at a poem and discuss what we notice about the text, identify language features and work to complete a written response about the poem.

LI: We are learning to identify and explain the main ideas in the article.

SC: I can contribute my ideas to class discussions.
SC: I can record my notes.
SC: I can identify some of the language features used in the text.
SC: I can use the clues in the text to help me explain a key phrase.

Sequence of Today's lesson

Free Writing -  The choices are on the board

Class Reading -  'The Great Ordinary' The photographs of Edith Amituanai

Responding to the Poem 'At the End of the Driveway' by Tim Upperton.

This document has been smart shared with you. It will be in your English folder, and you will need to move into the Friday English folder

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Monday 22 May: Haiku Competition!

Learning Objectives:

 - Use the haiku form to describe a feeling.

Success Criteria:

 - I can use correct syllable count in my haiku.
 - My haiku describe a feeling.

What is a haiku?
I really have no idea.
Someone please help me.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Hero Cycle Assessment

Friday 19 May

Good morning everyone, I have had a discussion with Mr Hanson, and he has been telling me how hard you are all working on your hero cycle assessment task.

In our lessons today you are going to continue to work on your assessment task.
I am here to help you in any way and will be spending the time working with students on their presentations.

I 'd like  you to continually refer back to the actual task, so that you are very clear about what is expected in this work.

Remember you are also expected to write showing how your hero has developed and changed as a result of their journey.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Reading Skills: Working with an article.

Friday 12 May

Today  we are going to work to continue to develop our skills in responding to an article.
I have a paper copy of the article which we will read in class, and you will complete a response showing your understanding of the text.
 I have smart shared the response that I'd like you to work on. It is in your English folder.
The document is called,  Responding to an article.

LI: We are revising and developing our skills for reading unfamiliar text.

SC: I can use the silent reading time to read the article carefully.
SC: I can discuss my ideas, about the main ideas, vocabulary and phrases in the article with my partner.
SC: I can complete the response task, using complete sentences, specific detail as required

You will be able to discuss the article with a partner or in a group.

You have the first period to complete this work.

In P2 we will be heading to the library.

You will continue with your research task from last week.
I will check in with you to;

Look at task completion, for this week and last week. 
I will also  discuss your research task with you and help as needed.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Thursday 11 May: Describe the hero in your book or film

We are learning to:
- Use the hero’s journey to analyse texts.

I can:

- Describe key stages of the journey in Hunt for the Wilderpeople.
- Select a film of my own to analyse independently.

Today's Activities

1. Complete this quiz to explain the key details about your chosen hero.

2. Keep working on planning and creating your hero's journey presentation.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Monday 15 May: The Hero's Journey Assessment

We are learning to:
- Use the hero’s journey to analyse texts.

I can:
- Identify key stages of the journey in Hunt for the Wilderpeople.
- Select a film of my own to analyse independently.

Activity 1: Hero's Journey Assessment

Thursday, May 4, 2017

West Coast Documentary

Thursday 4 May

Friday 5 May

Welcome back everyone, I'd like to acknowledge your great work and support of each other during your presentations last term.
Well done!

Today we are going to read an article about the documentary Coast, that was featured on TV One.

We will respond to a range of questions that focus on  some aspects of that documentary.

LI: We are learning to respond to an article in variety of ways.

SC: I can write a  paragraph describing our wild weather in a creative way.
SC: I can use some language features ( adjectives, similes, alliteration  metaphors) to make my writing interesting, and to create imagery.
SC: I can use the internet to research some specific topics.
SC: I can proof-read and edit my work.

West Coast Episode  ( Link to written  article)

The task sheet I have smart shared with you, and this is in your English folder.
You will need to move this into Ms Donovan's English Folder.
You can work with a partner to complete the activities.

In P2 we will watch this documentary.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Friday, April 28, 2017

Monday 1 May: News Report

Welcome back from your holiday! 

This term we will be finishing our work on the Hero's Journey. Here's an activity to refresh your memory of Hunt for the Wilderpeople:

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Monday 3 April: Redraw the Hero's Journey

Learning Intention:

 - Use the hero’s journey to analyse texts.

Success Criteria:

 - My drawing shows 9-12 stages of the hero's journey.
 - My drawing is eye-catching and ready to share.

Today's lesson:

1. View the models below of the hero's journey.
2. Choose your method: sketch/draw on paper, or create a Google drawing, to represent the hero's journey. Include:
           - Text labels for each of the stages
           - Arrows to show the direction of the journey
3. Colour your drawing to make it suitable for the wall, or to post on your blog.

Extra for Experts: add a screenshot or image from Hunt for the Wilderpeople to each stage in the journey.

    Infographic: Hero's Journey | Venngage Infographic: Hero's Journey | Infographic Maker

    Wednesday, March 29, 2017

    Thursday 30 March: The Hero's Journey in Film

    Learning Intention:

     - Use the hero’s journey to analyse texts.

    Success Criteria:

     - I can respond to Hunt for the Wilderpeople with facts from the film and my own ideas. 

     - I can identify 3+ stages of the hero's journey in Hunt for the Wilderpeople.

    Today's Lesson:

    Have you tidied your Google Drive?

    What are badges and how can I earn them?

    1. Finish your Hunt for the Wilderpeople viewing questions

    2. Describe the hero's journey in Hunt for the Wilderpeople

    Saturday, March 25, 2017

    Monday 27 March: Hunt for the Wilderpeople

    Learning Intention:

     - Use the hero’s journey to analyse texts.

    Success Criteria:

     - I can respond to Hunt for the Wilderpeople with facts from the film and my own ideas. 

     - I can identify 3+ stages of the hero's journey in Hunt for the Wilderpeople.

    Good morning team! Today we are unpacking Hunt for the Wilderpeople by completing some response questions. We're building up to a review of the film you'll make with a partner.

    But first, some chores. Tidy your Google Drive!

    1. Create a folder titled "Mr Hanson's English" in your 9ENG Google Drive folder.
    2. Inside "Mr Hanson's English" create a folder titled "The Hero's Journey".
    3. Put today's work in there, along with other docs on the hero's journey.

    Thursday, March 23, 2017

    'Sea Fever'

    Friday 24 March


    Today we are continuing our work showing a connection to the sea. We will be looking at a famous poem by John Masefield called 'Sea Fever' John was a sailor who loved the sea, and missed it when he was a landlubber.

    Today we are going to work in pair to begin to learn how to annotate a poem. This is a technique that you will continue to develop your skills in, and understanding of, as you progress through High School. We are just starting to learn this skill.

    You will work in  pairs, and we, as a class will discuss what annotating is, and how to do it. You will contribute your ideas about the poem and begin to look at what language features the writer uses to get his message across to the reader. You will then have a paper copy of the poem and select a partner to work with as we all begin to learn to annotate the poem.

    LI: We are learning how to annotate a poem.
    SC: I can work with my partner to discuss and share ideas about the poem.
    SC: I can identify some language features used in the poem.
    SC: I can begin to describe the effect of the language features.

    Lesson Sequence
    Directed Reading ' Sea Fever' by John Masefield
    The Poem, 'Sea Fever'

    Students notes on the task
    Task and background notes


    Period 2 we will be based in the library and this will give you an opportunity to continue to work on your 'My Place' assignments.
    I will continue to work with students and discuss your own work with you.
    Remember you are presenting your own 'My Place' assignments next Friday March 31  P1 and P2.

    Sunday, March 19, 2017

    Finding the Hero's Journey in Film

    Good morning team! Today you will be finding the hero's journey in a popular film. 

    We are learning to:

    1. Describe the stages of the hero’s journey.
    2. Create a multimedia text.
    I can:
    • Use 7 screenshots to retell the hero’s journey.
    • Include the correct caption for each stage.
    1. Watch this video to remind yourself of the stages in the hero's journey.
    2. Follow this link to your activity. This includes retelling the hero's journey, SEX-Y paragraph and creative writing.

    Thursday, March 9, 2017

    Down by The Sea

    Thursday March 9

    last week we started our work around the theme of making a connection too your own place and our community. Today we are going to continue this work and look towards the sea and the coast. The Coast has an amazing connection to the sea and the beaches are very dramatic.

    LI: We are learning to identify and describe a connection to a place.

    SC: I can identify the reasons why the writer feels a connection to the beach.
    SC; I can identify some of the language features ( adjectives, simile, personification and metaphor)
    SC: I can begin to explain why they are effective.
    SC: I can respond to questions about the text in a thoughtful manner.

    Today our reading is going to be a story called, 'Dear Joe'  From A Journal of Secondary Students' Writing 1992. It is a letter to a cousin that describes a special time at the beach with their Nana.

    Lesson Sequence

    Class reading of, 'Dear Joe'
    Discussion about the text

    Figurative Language Features
    The Rap

    You will complete a worksheet about this story. Click on the link below and follow the instructions to complete the task.

    Responding to the text, 'Dear Joe'

    Thursday, February 9, 2017

    Exploring Connections To Our Places....

     Friday 3 March

    Today we are going to begin to  focus our learning around the idea or theme of making a connection to your own place and our community.

    We will base our reading, writing and viewing tasks around this theme.

    Today we are going to read an account of a young man's experience growing up in New Zealand is an isolated situation.
    'From Bullet Holes to Pink Batts' From Journal of Secondary Students' Writing 2005.

    We are going to share ideas about this text in this Padlet


    Free Writing task:
    Write something about your place, think why you like it, describe it, and describe how you feel  yourself  when you are there.

    Class brainstorm. What are the places we enjoy in our local place.

    Viewing Task

    New Zealand BMX Tour Stops At Killer Concrete Bowl

    The Rat Pack